In this episode, Kevin shares the following: The #1 question motivational speaker Brian Tracy said we should all be asking. A question that led Kevin to having a complete transformation in his life. A question that a gold medal olympian asked repeatedly to keep him...
Mike Ogilvie is an experienced Chartered Accountant by training. He is the major shareholder and managing director of ‘X5’ Accountants, most of his time is focused on his work as one of UK’s leading Profit Coaches, with his company The Profit Team....
In this episode, Kevin Bees interviews world-class employability & engagement expert Paul ter Wal. Paul ter Wal is International Engagement Explorer, employability expert, and workplace architect. For more than 25 years he has been in the speaking, consulting, and...
Today, Kevin Bees talks with Mike Handcock, Chairman of The Circle Of Excellence Group. Mike Handcock is one in 38 speakers out of over 55,000 globally to be awarded the Certified Speaking Professional Global Speaking Fellow Designation As New Zealand Speaker...
On todays show, Kevin Bees interviews entrepreneur and speaker Rael Bricker. Rael Bricker has seen it all – from being 6,000 feet under ground to growing an education business to 4000 plus students, to spending years working in venture capital. He’s...
Today Kevin Bees Interviews Keith Abraham, CSP Keith is a multi-award winning, best-selling author of five books, published in 12 languages. In his 23 year speaking career he has presented to more than 1.6 million people across 30 countries. What’s more...