On today’s show, Kevin Bees, Profit Maximisation Expert Interviews Tristan White. Subscribe Here!

Tristan talks about the importance of living by core values of your organization and shares his secrets to creating a strong business culture.

He also covers,

⦁ How following his heart led him to become an accidental enterpreneur instead of an elite sports physiotherapist

⦁ His 10-year goal of delivering 2 million consultations

⦁ Four key foundations to building a stong business culture are: discovering the core, documenting the future, executing relentlessly, showing more love

⦁ Getting the purpose of an organization means you should cosider what is the impact that you are trying to have on the world and why you do what you do

⦁ The importance of standing up during short daily meetings, instead of sitting down in the long meetings

⦁ Core purposes and values that an organization establishes should be used as a way to celebrate success

⦁ How they celebrate success in his organization through a routine called ‘to the point’

⦁ Four core values of his organization are: respect everyone, be memorable, think big-act small, find a better way

⦁ What does ‘think big-act small’ stand for

⦁ If we all improve by 1% every single day, we make a significant progress very quickly

⦁ His Life Changing Question is: ‘Is my personal culture by design or by default?’

⦁ The importance of learning the right techniques to manage your time

⦁ His ritual is focusing on the longer term horizon, and his habit is to have a very clear top three priorities for every day in a work sense

⦁ The thing on his bucket list is to take an extended break from leading the business and have an overseas adventure with his family

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Resources Mentioned in this show:


Recommended Reading:

“Culture is Everything” – Tristan White
“The One Minute Manager” – Ken Blanchard
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