On Today’s show Kevin Bees, Profit Maximisation Expert interviews Dame DC Cordova

Dame DC shares her ‘Life-Changing Question’.  ‘How do we make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense or disadvantage of anyone?’  Subscribe Here!

Dame DC Cordova also covers

  • What she learned from the masters Buckminster Fuller, Marshall Thurber, Ilya Prigogine, George Lozonov, W Edwards Deming
  • Why we need to ‘perturb ‘ our mind if we are to grow
  • How the poverty we have in this world is directly related to the educational systems we have.
  • How entrepreneurs, not governments are going to be the saviour of our future.
  • The Life changing question left to us by Buckminster Fuller: ‘How do we make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense or disadvantage of anyone?’
  • The importance of finding out the power behind the power when you do business with people.
  • Energy & water are our biggest challenges in the future, and the importance of renewable energy
  • The theory of precession and how to apply it in your life and business for greater results


Resources mentioned in the show

Huang Ming  – http://solarvalleychina.com/

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If you want to Be Rich And Happy Don’t Go To School – Robert Kiyosaki
Qantum Teaching – Bobbi Deporter
Super-Learning by Ostrander & Schroeder


Check out this episode!