On today’s show, Kevin Bees, Profit Maximisation Expert Interviews Chris Lonsdale.  Subscribe Here!

Chris shares tips on how to learn a second language quickly but also talks about the importance of creating excellence for yourself and others.

On today’s show,

• How he decided to create an app that helps people learn their second language easily
• Why he thinks that anyone can learn a second language in 6 months
• Tips for learning a new language: treating it as a tool (relevance), allowing your subconscious mind to engage (brain soak), training your ear, and feedback loop
• What is a ‘language parent’ and why you need one when learning a new language
• Language is about transmitting meaning from one person to another, and we clarify meaning as part of communication
• What is immersion all about and how it actually works
• His Life Changing Question is: ‘What is truly possible for a completely fulfilled life of excellence?’
• The importance of putting an effort to identify what else is possible for us and not settling down for what we have right now
• How finding his barriers and setting a new standard helped his father recover from dementia
• In the process of creating excellence for others, you are going to discover new possibilities for yourself
• Why you should get out of your own perspective and think about how things are for the other people
• His daily ritual is getting into the details around all things
• Thing on his bucket list is to ride a faster than light space vehicle to the edges of the universe


Resources Mentioned in this show:

TEDx Talk ‘How to learn a language in 6 months’



Recommended Reading:

‘The Third Ear, You Can Learn Any Language’ – Chris Lonsdale

‘The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles’ – Bruce Lipton

‘The Biology of Transcendence’ – Joseph Chilton Pearce

‘The Tao of Physics’ – Fritjof Capra

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