In this insightful episode of the Life Changing Questions podcast, we welcome Joel Primus, an accomplished entrepreneur, filmmaker, and author. Joel is the co-founder and creative force behind Naked Revival, a brand known for its innovative approach to men’s and...
John Foong is the Chief Revenue Officer for Domain, one of the leading property destinations in the southern hemisphere. John is responsible for driving the growth of Domain’s marketplace portfolio spanning Residential, Commercial, Developer and Media, Agent...
Ollie Phillips is a former England Rugby Sevens Captain, International Player of the Year, 4 times Guinness World Record holder, PwC Digital Transformation Director, Coach, podcast host, and Motivational Speaker. An esteemed former international rugby star, multiple...
Jim Steele is a renowned strategist and performance consultant and the author of the book Unashamedly Superhuman, which explores the science of performance and how to unlock human potential. He has worked with hundreds of organisations throughout Europe, the United...
Dima Syrotkin is the visionary force behind Dima’s mission is to enhance the self-awareness and maturity of everyone, and his business helps accomplish that by making coaching more accessible by AI. He lives his life between San...
Charles has a proven record of helping others create profitable JV (joint venture) partnerships. He is one of the most connected people in the online space; he knows how to help you set up lucrative promotional deals that have his clients and students booking...