Kevin Bees, Profit Maximisation Expert explains the importance of PRICING to grow your profitability. Many business owners destroy their profit margins by giving discounts when they don’t need to. In this episode, learn: – what is the real cost of...
In today’s episode Kevin Bees, Profit Maximisation Expert shares how to get a great testimonial. For social proof, it’s great to get a testimonial from your clients about your great work. If you can get it on video, even better. To make sure you get an...
In today’s episode Kevin Bees, Profit Maximisation Expert, shares the importance of a ‘customer loving folder’. When you do a great job with your clients, they’ll want to share with you and when they do… keep a record of it! Keep a record...
This is a SUPER POWERFUL tip that takes you from unresourceful to resourceful, and the technique helps you align your head and your heart quickly and easily – explained by Kevin Bees, Profit Maximisation Expert. When to use this technique? Perhaps there is a...
To create a powerful and achievable goal there are 3 key elements: WHAT; WHY; HOW. Kevin Bees, Profit Maximisation Expert explains how to leverage this technique to accomplish more in your business and life. Today, we cover the ‘How’ and learn: 1. How to...
In todays episode Kevin Bees, Profit Maximisation Expert continues the topic of GOAL SETTING There are 3 parts to set a goal that will give you the maximum chance of manifesting the result you desire. The three key parts are the WHAT, WHY, HOW. In tip 28 you’ll...