On today’s show, Kevin Bees, Profit Maximisation Expert Interviews Johnnie Cass. Subscribe Here!
Johnnie shares some powerful tips on how to shift our consciousness to become the best version of ourselves.
Johnnie also covers,
• How he helps people be bolder, braver and the best version of themselves
• Procrastination is a symptom of fear, so if we’re procrastinating, it’s because we’re imagining something not working out right because it is unfamiliar to us or we do not feel confident around it
• How limiting thought patterns are created and how they affect us
• Three things that help in breaking mental objections: writing out the story you are telling yourself, things you do about your unconscious limitations and taking some action around them
• The game of life is a game of learning to manage your emotions
• Why he thinks that emotions are energy in motion and how can we manage them instead of letting them manage us
• Why we stay frustrated and locked in negative emotions and how to overcome those moments of hopelessness and resignation
• The importance of having quality conversations with other people when having negative emotions
• His Life-Changing Question is: “What is the paradigm shift in consciousness that I need right now to take me to the next level?”
• The only thing we can control is our reaction to unforeseeable circumstances in life
• Powerful examples of how paradigm shifts work and how we can take control of our own life in those situations
• His rituals and habits are: making sure that he gets a good night’s sleep, drinking plenty of water in the morning, doing some meditation
• Things on his bucket list are: making a short movie in the next five years and buying a property in Rome
Resources Mentioned in this show:
“7 ways in 7 days for a more confident you” – Johnnie’s online program
Recommended Reading:
“Daring Greatly” – Brene Brown
“Mindset” – Carol Dweck
“Busy” – Tony Crabbe
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