On today’s show, Kevin Bees, Profit Maximisation Expert Interviews Gitta Sivander.  Subscribe Here!

Gitta shares insightful tips and techniques on how to improve your confidence and delivery in business and life by using non-verbal communication.

Gitta also covers,

• How she has started learning to read body communication because of her hearing issue
• She helps leaders and presenters come across to the audience in a more impactful and mesmerizing way by realizing how other people spot their words
• What does it mean showing up in an open way when you’re meeting somebody new
• To be comfortable in one-on-one situations, you should mirror your voice expression, your body language, and energy to match the other person more closely
• The most important thing for a presenter is to shift his dynamic expressions in a way that is congruent with what he’s saying
• There are 4 states in dynamic expression: FLOW, TIME, WEIGHT, DIRECTION (SPACE)
• How 4 states in dynamic expression work
• The difference between FREE and BOUND flows and how to use them
• Depending on how we approach time 2 minutes can be very long or very short
• The difference between strength and lightness and their importance in communication
• What is the difference between direct and indirect approach in communication
• Her Life Changing Question is: ‘How do I impact myself and others by the way that I show up?’
• How movement and postures impact our brain chemistry
• We can impact ourselves from the outside in and not just from the inside out
• Her habit is to check in with herself every day and seeing where she is right now and who’s showing up for her
• Why you should always honor yourself
• The thing on her bucket list is to bring her work in body communication and expression to Australia
• Everyone who has listened to this episode can email her with code name, ‘kevinbeeshow’ and you will get a one-hour coaching session with her for $67 instead of $300

Resources Mentioned in this show:

TED Talk Amy Cuddy


gitta@gittasivander.com – Gitta’s personal email address


Recommended Reading:

‘The Credibility Code’ – Cara Hale Alter

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