On today’s show, Kevin Bees, Profit Maximisation Expert interviews Hank van der Merwe
Hank van der Merwe is sharing his ‘Life Changing Question’. Subscribe Here!
Hank also covers
- Why better people make better leaders and why therefore why it is important to invest in your team
- Why finding your purpose can help you find fulfillment and happiness
- As a leader, your #1 priority should be in looking after your employees, they’ll look after your customers, which will look after your bottom line.
- How to identify your organisations purpose to help your organization thrive.
- Simon Sinek’s ‘Golden Circle’ of Why, How and What.
- The importance of being your true self as a leader.
- The unique ‘pay it forward’ program called ‘Coffee shop coaches’ that’s giving free coaching sessions
- The law of reciprocity and how to use it.
Subscribe Here!
Resources Mentioned in this show:
Linchpin by Seth Godin
Start with Why by Simon Sinek
Coffee Shop Coaches: https://www.facebook.com/coffeeshopcoaches/?fref=ts
Video: Start with Why by Simon Sinek: https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action
Suicide Help Line:
Email Hank: hank@hankvandermerwe.com.